Visioncon 2020 Information

This event has been cancelled.

Visioncon 2020

Visioncon 2020

May 1-3, 2020

Springfield Expo Center
Springfield, MO

Comic Convention with Fantasy, Gaming, and Sci-Fi programming

I'd like to take a moment to address all the people within our Visioncon community. It has been a difficult time for everyone lately and for me, nothing has been more difficult than deciding how to handle Visioncon during this time.

That is why I must unfortunately announce the cancellation of our event on May 1st. It has been a difficult decision to come to, but after extensive talks with the University Plaza and local authorities, we feel it is in everyone's best interest to not proceed with the regularly scheduled event. There are still too many unknowns at this point and it doesn't look like we will have firm answers soon enough for our final preparations.

I would also like to take a moment to thank all of the staff of Visioncon. They have given so much of their time and probably a bit of their sanity just to bring us to this point. We are all volunteers here and our only real reward is seeing all that hard work come together each year.


Update Information for Visioncon 2020