Bakuretsu Con 2010 Information

Bakuretsu Con 2010

Bakuretsu Con 2010

October 21-24, 2010

Hampton Inn and Event Center
Colchester, VT

Anime Convention

Bakuretsu Con is Vermont's ONLY anime convention. It is for fans by fans, and is an opportunity for New England anime fans to come out and celebrate their fandom for a long weekend.
It was founded in 2001 by area fans, it has grown to an event that averages between 500 and 600 attendees. It is run by the Anime Society of Vermont, a not for profit corporation.


529 total people
468 paid attendeees

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$40 through September 1, 2010
$45 through October 1, 2010
At-Door Rates
All 4 Days: $45

Photos and Reports

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Bakuretsu Con 2010 News

Oct 12, 2010 Bakuretsu Con announces official Greg Ayres dance and last chance to pre-register
Oct 20, 2010 Bakuretsu Con announces Chris Cason to appear this weekend


Update Information for Bakuretsu Con 2010