Otakon 2004 Information

Otakon 2004

July 30 - August 1, 2004

Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, MD

Anime Convention
Organized by Otakorp, Inc.


20,899 total people
55,000 turnstile attendance count (estimated)

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$40 through March 15, 2004
$45 through April 30, 2004
$50 through June 15, 2004
$55 through June 30, 2004
At-Door Rates
All 3 Days: $55
$20 to $40 per day

Photos and Reports

Submit a link to your Otakon 2004 report

Otakon 2004 News

Jun 11, 2004 Otakon announces additional guests
Jun 16, 2004 Otakon hotels are all sold out
Jun 27, 2004 L'Arc~en~Ciel to perform at Otakon


Update Information for Otakon 2004
