
News for Bakuretsu Con 2005
August 10, 2005

Bakuretsu Con announces Amy Howard-Wilson as a guest

South Burlington, Vermont - Bakuretsu Con would like to announce that Amy Howard-Wilson will be attending Bakuretsu Con 2005 as our guest. The annual convention will be held October 21-23, 2005.

Amy Howard Wilson

Born in Detroit on May 28, 1955, Amy was "bit by the acting bug" in high school. She is a proud graduate of The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City - Class of '75, where she received an invaluable education. Also in need of experience with the "business" side of show business, she went to work for a casting/talent payment agency; a composer of music for TV and Radio spots; and...

In 1979, she was working in the front office of the Weist-Barron School For TV and Commercial Acting. Kit Carter, the casting director, called the school looking for non-union talent to do the English dub for a new Japanese animated series, which would eventually come to be known as Star Blazers. Amy had the honor of being cast to dub the voice of Nova (Mori Yuki) for Season 1 - The Quest For Iscandar and Season 2 - The Comet Empire.

In 1997, after many years of thinking about Star Blazers as only a fond memory, thanks to the efforts of a dear family member, Amy was delighted to find out that there are fans around the world who still value it as she does. In 1999, she met one such long time fan, Jeff Thompson, who very kindly asked her to dub the voice of Miranda in The Rules of Being 16 episode of The Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA.

In 1998, she met the man who would become her husband, David G. Wilson, III and they were married on October 14, 2000.

Since 2002, she has been recording and producing audio books for an Australian author - and now good friend - Wendy Laing. She has just completed book #7 - "Severance Packages". Amy recently formed a new company called Studio V.O.I.C.E. (Vocal Originality Incorporating Categorical Ethicality!) - a family friendly, full service audio production company. Current projects include public domain classic literature CDs for Tadao Miyashita in Tokyo, and a poetry CD for UNICEF - currently in the negotiation stage - with Thierry Conesa in Paris.

Dave and Amy are so happy to be attending this year – please come up and say hi!

About Bakuretsu Con: Bakuretsu Con is Vermont's only Anime convention. We are located in So. Burlington right off of Interstate 89 at the Best Western Windjammer Conference Center. Bakuretsu Con offers many activities for its attendees such as: Cosplay, Anime LARP, Art Contests, AMV Contest, Dealers Room, Guest Artists, Panels & Workshops, Large Video Gaming Room, Anime Screenings, Anime Gaming (CCGs, RPGs, ect), and much more.
More guests are planned and will be announced as soon as we have information.

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