
News for Supanova Pop Culture Expo - Sydney 2005
November 4, 2005

Supanova Pop Culture Expo announces podcast

Podcast for anime voice actor panels now available!

Supanova Pop Culture Expo, the largest of it's kind in Australia was recently held in Sydney Australia on the weekend of October 14-16. During the convention various guest panels were recorded and Supanova in association with Joffre Street Poductions have been releasing these as podcasts online.

Check them out here at:

Anime Guests this year included:
Tiffany Grant and Matt Greenfield
Sonny Strait
Dan Green
Joshua Seth

Podcasts for Tiffany Grant and Matt Greenfield as well as Sonny Strait are now available at the site. You can also subscribe to the podcast via your favourite podcast client including iTunes.

More podcasts will be available every week!

For more information about Supanova please visit the website:

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